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It's a common misconception that blind people can "see" in the same way that sighted people do. However, there are a few important points to clarify:

1. Legal blindness: Many people who are considered legally blind still have some residual vision, even if it's very limited.

2. Non-visual senses: Blind people often develop enhanced abilities in their other senses, such as hearing, touch, and smell. This doesn't mean they're literally seeing with these senses, but they can gather information about their environment through them.

3. Brain plasticity: Studies have shown that parts of the brain normally dedicated to visual processing can be repurposed to process other types of sensory information in blind individuals.

4. Visual hallucinations: Some blind people experience visual hallucinations known as Charles Bonnet Syndrome. These are complex, well-formed visual hallucinations experienced by visually impaired people.

5. Synesthesia: A rare condition where stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway, including sometimes "seeing" sounds or feeling colors.

6. Sensory substitution devices: Technology exists that can convert visual information into patterns of electrical activity that can be perceived through other senses, like sound or touch.

In summary, while blind people may have enhanced abilities in their other senses, they don't literally "see" in the same way sighted people do. The phrase "blind people can see" is generally not accurate unless it's used metaphorically or in the context of specific medical conditions or technological aids.
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