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In traditional marriages, it was often expected that the man would be the primary breadwinner and work outside the home to earn an income for the family. This meant he typically had a full-time job or career while the woman usually managed the household and cared for children, though there were certainly exceptions.

The key points about this dynamic include:

1. Male as primary earner: The husband/father generally worked outside the home at a job or business to provide financial support.

2. Female as homemaker: The wife/mother typically managed the household, cooked, cleaned, etc. rather than working a paying job.

3. Gender roles: There were clear expectations about men's and women's "proper" roles and responsibilities.

4. Single income: Most families relied on just the husband's wages/salary alone.

5. Traditional occupations: Men tended to do more blue-collar jobs, while women were less likely to have careers.

6. Fewer dual-income households: It was less common for both spouses to work outside the home.

7. Social pressure: There was societal expectation for men to be employed and women to stay home.

However, it's important to note that these were social norms and not universal realities. Many women also worked outside the home in traditional marriages, and many men were very involved in parenting. The dynamics varied greatly by culture, region, socioeconomic status, and individual families. The traditional model has also evolved significantly in recent decades.
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